The Feast of Corpus Christi
Boze Cialo:
Uroczystosc Najswietszego Ciala i Krwi Chrystusa


Eucharistic Graphic, Baltimore Catechism


The feast of Corpus Christi (Boze Cialo; Uroczystosc Najswietszego Ciala i Krwi Chrystusa) is the day on which the Catholic Church commemorates the institution of the Holy Eucharist. This Website presents an overview of the history, theology, and popular devotions associated with this feast. Special emphasis is given to the Polish Roman Catholic traditions surrounding the celebration of the feast, especially the outdoor Procession (Procesja Bozego Ciala). Included in the Feast of Corpus Christi Homepage are illustrations, theology, liturgy, and prayers. Visuals and audio are presented in streaming format. Additional materials on Catholic theology and reverence for the Eucharist are found as are Catholic links. Some of the contents are found in Polish and Latin as well as English.

Contents of the Corpus Christi Homepage

Introduction: What is The Feast of Corpus Christi?
Corpus Christi Altars (Bozy Domek) & Greenery
The Corpus Christi Procession (Procesja)

The Liturgy of the Procession (Polish / English)
Theology & Symbolism of the Procession & Eucharist
Eucharistic Adoration
Prayers & Songs for Benediction & Exposition
Catholic Prayers before the Eucharist
The Auxiliary Ministry of Holy Communion
Guidelines for Receiving Holy Communion
Corpus Christi & Catholic Links

E-Mail Professor Gunkel

All content, graphics & images (c) Ann Hetzel Gunkel 2000-2004.
Dr. Gunkel is designated as an Auxiliary Minister of Holy Communion in accordance with canons 230.3 & 910.2 of the Code of Canon Law.
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