Easter Sunday
Resurrection Procession (Rezurekcja)*
Easter Breakfast (Swiecone)
Sharing of the Egg (Dzielenie sie Jajkiem)
Rezurekcja *
Resurrection Procession
The Rezurekcja
is the joyous Easter morning Mass at daybreak when church bells ring out
and explosions resound to commemorate Christ rising from the dead.
Before the Mass begins at dawn, a festive procession with the Blessed
Sacrament carried beneath a canopy encircles the church. As church bells
ring out, handbells are vigorously shaken by altar boys, the air is filled
with incense and the faithful raise their voices heavenward in a triumphant
rendering of age-old Easter hymns. After the Blessed
Sacrament is carried throughout the streets around the church and
Adoration is complete, the Easter Mass begins.
* Hear the Bells at Jasna Gora, Poland's
central Shrine
* Watch the Rezurekcja Procession
at St. Helen's (Video)
* See Stills from the Rezurekcja
Procession at St. Helen's
* Dla Dzieci / For Kids: Procession
to Print & Color
* Listen / Sheet Music (Pol/Eng): Wesoly
nam dzien
* Another version of Wesoly nam dzien
* Listen to Otrzyjcie Juz Lzy Placzacy
(Stop Weeping & Rejoice)
* Risen Lord tableau on altar
* Holy Card Image of the Resurrection Banner
* Eucharistic Adoration & Prayers in
* The Story of the Polish-American Sisters of
the Resurrection
* Listen to K. Penderecki's Benedictus
Benedictum Dominum regem sanctum
glorie clamat omnis turba Dei excelsis.
(To the Blessed Father; to the Holy King of Glory,
Call the whole host of the Father on High.)
-Medieval Sanctus trope
Swiecone *
Easter Breakfast
After Easter Mass, the faithful hurry home to
feast on the delicacies denied during Lent. Cold dishes predominate like
ham, kielbasa, roast meats, pasztat (pate), hard-boiled
eggs in various sauces, salads, beet and horseradish relish (cwikla),
followed by such holiday cakes as babka,
mazurek and sernik. In some families the breakfast
starts with a tart, whitish soup containing
eggs and kielbasa, known as bialy barszcz
in eastern Poland and zurek elsewhere.
* See the Swiecone Meal & Polish-American
Swiecone Buffet
* View the Blessing of the Easter Meal
* Recipe for Beet Relish/Salad (Buraczki)
* Recipe for Chrzan (Horseradish
* More about Polish Easter Foods
Dzielenie Sie Jajkiem
Sharing of the Egg
Before Easter breakfast begins, members of the
family consume wedges of the blessed Easter eggs and exchange best wishes
in much the same way as oplatek
is shared on Christmas Eve.
* View the Dzielenie Sie Jajkiem (Video)
* See a Still from the Sharing of the Egg
