(Poswiecenie Pokarmow w Wielka Sobote: Modlitwa blogoslawienstwa)

Prayer for the Blessing of the Breads and Holiday Baked Goods

Chlebie zywy, ktory zstapiles z nieba i dajesz zycie swiatu, poblogoslaw + ten chleb i wszelkie swiateczne pieczywo na pamiatke chleba, ktorym nakarmiles sluchajacych Ciebie wytrwale na pustkowiu i ktory wziales w swoje swiete i czcigodne rece, aby go przemienic w swoje Cialo.

(Video of the Blessing)

English Summary:
The blessing addresses the Bread of Life who died and rose for the life of the world, invoking Him to bless the bread and holiday baked goods in memory of the Bread which is offered at the Priest's hands which becomes His Body.