(Poswiecenie Pokarmow w Wielka Sobote: Modlitwa blogoslawienstwa)

Prayer for the Blessing of the Eggs and Pisanki

Chryste, nasze zycie i zmartwychwstanie, poblogoslaw + znak nowego zycia, abysmy dzielac sie nimi w gronie rodziny, bliskich i gosci, mogli sie takze dzielic wzajemnie radoscia z tego, ze jestes z nami. Pozwol nam wszystkim dojsc do Twojej wiecznej uczty w domu Ojca, gdzie zyjesz i krolujesz na wieki wiekow.
Przez Chrystusa Pana naszego, Amen.

(Video of the Blessing)

English Summary:
The blessing addresses Christ, our Life and Resurrection. It asks Him to bless the eggs, the sign of new life; asks Him to remember our family, those near as well as guests, especially those who wait in the hope of being with Him. We wait to accompany Him to His Father's house, where he lives and reigns for ever and ever.
We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.