Novena Prayer to St. Joseph
We have already implored, blessed Joseph, the help of our Lady, your
sinless spouse. In our affliction we now turn with confidence to you also,
and beg you earnestly to take us under your protection.
On earth you were one in love with the Immaculate Virgin, Mother
of God. You cherished the child Jesus with a father's affection. We know,
then, that you will look graciously on our petitions because we have been
purchased at the price of Christ's life. We are sure you will assist us,
glorious St. Joseph, by your power and strength.
Because you were the watchful guardian of the Holy Family, please
watch over us, Christ's chosen offspring. Like an alert father kindly keep
far from us every taint of error or corruption. From your place of glory
on high come to aid us in our conflict with the powers of darkness.
When the child Jesus was in peril of His life, more than once you
rescued Him. So save His holy Church now from the deceits of its enemies
and from every adversity. Please shield us now, great St. Joseph, by your
fatherly care. Help us now to imitate your example and virtue so that we
may lead a holy life, die a happy death, and enjoy your company forever
in heaven. Amen.
St. Joseph, whom the infant Jesus so much loved;
Grant us what we ask, please.
Let us pray.
Assist us, Lord, by the merits of your foster father, St. Joseph,
spouse of your most holy Mother. May his help gain for us what our own
efforts cannot. This we ask through you who live and reign with God the
Father in the union of the Holy Spirit, one God, for all the ages. Amen.
About the Altar
This simple home altar consists of a traditional statue of St. Joseph
(from the well known Columbia statuary of Italy), a red and white linen
(from a favorite linen shop near Krakow's Rynek), St. Joseph holy
cards for visitors to take, a simple flower arrangement, and votive candles.
This is the focal point for a St. Joseph's Table and is also an altar for
the Novena to St. Joseph, often performed for nine consecutive days in